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411 University St, Seattle


What We Do

Children's Organization In Uganda (Children's Wish Foundation)

Working to Real Lasting Change
to Poor Children

Children’s Wish Foundation Uganda is a nonprofit organization with a special focus on villages in rural Uganda. The organization was created with the aim of providing critical assistance to destitute children, out of school children (OOSC) and families struggling in terrible poverty through child protection programs, girl child empowerment programs, education sponsorship, vocational skills for self-reliance and literacy skills.

Our Objectives

  1. To educate under privileged children from the lowest to the highest level of education/from kindergarten to university or vocational learning.
  2. To make girls under 18 years less vulnerable to crime and protect them from early child marriages.
  3. To improve adolescents’ access to sexual and reproductive health education, information and services
  4. To provide high quality care for children and adolescents by providing useful and beneficial skills.
  5. Provide a safe space for children and young people to express themselves, learn and make informed choices.
  6. Improve livelihood for poor families by teaching and involving them in income generating activities.
Children's Organization In Uganda (Children's Wish Foundation)

Where We Work

Buwongo village has very poor and inadequate infrastructure with no proper structured school and health facility in place, limited access to clean water, Electricity, poor sanitation and hygiene standards. The high illiteracy and poverty rates have led to young people leaving the village in search of greener pastures. The nearest health facility is far and transportation is difficult hence over 73% of the mothers give birth without a trained medical attendant which exposes them to various risks associated with child birth.